Tuesday, January 8, 2008


night-long vigil ―
the glow of red
on his cheeks

Three days later I walk into my valley. The ash is warm, a deep pile carpet under my feet. It blows up around me at each step, in swirling puffs. I breathe it in. It settles on my hair.

A sprinkling of fine grey covers the landscape, transforming it to monochrome. This bush I’ve walked a thousand times is alien. The cladding gone. It is naked. I look into the heart of bushland — at its skeletal structure — into the anima of earth.

I tramp lower into the gully, following the twisting contours of the creek bed. Rocks of all sizes flaunt the smoothness of their curves, variety of outline, the splendour of invulnerability. They rise, like Phoenix, from the ashes, tombstones to a million yesterdays.

In time my bush will dress herself again. But here and now I glimpse her very essence.

bushfire ―
all the shapes
of rock

by Quendryth Young
Alstonville, New South Wales, Australia

1 comment:

  1. A very moving haibun. It inspired me the following haiku:

    under my feet
    so much hot dust...
    a human heart

    a known name
    into the anima of earth:
    her life's secret

    through the grey clouds
    a single invulnerable peak:
    Mt Wollumbin's

    in the high rock
    a flash of lighting...
    only a bushfire

    Thanks to poetess for this poetical moment!

    Vasile MOLDOVAN
